Saturday, May 24, 2014

Public Works Open House

After dropping off Nasir at the Vancouver Airport we went to the Public Works Open House. The kids already had their breakfast, it was a Saturday and we were already out driving so it just was a perfect opportunity to visit this annul event. This was our second year attending this event. Most of the activities were similar to previous years but the kids were more
receptive to the activities this year.
I was really happy and proud with Ayaan's artwork on his bird house. His drawing skills are limited. He can draw trucks and cars and that is what he drew. He did a really decent job. We went inside an ambulance and looked at all the different police cars. There was a balloon station where Aaliyah got a flower made and Ayaan got a sword and a belt. We bought some popcorn, visited a few more activity stations and then we called it a day.

Ayaan had a blast getting in and out of all the big vehicles and testing each and every button. 

Fire Drill

Hammering the Bird House

Blowing bubbles

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