Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thinking of You Letter

I have homework from Aaliyah's teacher. I was reading through the instructions that Aaliyah's Kindergarten teacher sent home for next week's star of the week. Each day she has different activities lined up. For Monday, the teacher wants a "thinking of you letter" from the parent(s).  The letter could be in the form of a story, a poem, a collection of pictures with details or simply a list of

what makes my child special. I chose to write the letter in a story form.

Our Little Princess Aaliyah
Once upon a time, in the faraway land of Sunny California, United States of America, a beautiful little baby was born to Mommy Queen and Dadda King. They decided to name their little princess Aaliyah which means “top of all” “the most exalted.”  Little princess Aaliyah was a very happy and friendly baby and loved being around her Uncles, Aunties and Grand Parents. 
Princess Aaliyah
Each day in the castle, Princess Aaliyah would wake up happy, go through five or six dress changes, play a little with her toys and a lot with Mommy Queen. She was very curious about her surroundings and would often crawl into the grand kitchen and play with the pots and pans. She enjoyed making salad from vegetable scraps and loved being in the grand kitchen with Mommy Queen. Although Princess Aaliyah had not started talking, she always kept in touch with all her Aunties and Uncles by using speed dialing on Mommy queen’s cell phone.  
Time passed, and princess Aaliyah went through milestones like most other princesses her age. She started walking when she was about a year old, started talking around 2 years and started preschool when she was about 3 years old. She loved her preschool and her favorite teacher was Ms. Erica. This is where Princess Aaliyah developed an interest in art and music. It was always a pleasure to see Aaliyah’s art work or watch her sing and dance to a new song that she learnt at school.
Around that same time Princess Aaliyah became a big Sister to her little baby Brother. Princess Aaliyah was always nice to her baby Brother and would often help Mommy Queen during diaper changes or at baby’s bed time. Things changed around the house with a new Baby except for Storytime. That was time for Princess Aaliyah to explore the wonderful world of reading.
Apart from reading, Princess Aaliyah even explored the happiest place on Earth-Disneyland and met other princesses like Snow White, Belle, Jasmine, Tiana, Ariel and Cinderella. However, she had yet to explore the most beautiful place on Earth-the beautiful British Columbia in Canada. So, a few months before her 5th Birthday, the Hussain kingdom moved to Canada and enrolled princess Aaliyah in Mitchell Elementary School, Richmond.
This week at school, it is Aaliyah’s turn to be the star of the week.  She is very happy and excited. Aaliyah is a kind hearted, fun loving happy kid. Always ready to lend a helping hand or to cheer up a dull day with her beautiful smile. She loves to read, to color, to bake cupcakes and help around the kitchen. We are sure that she will do her best as the star of this week. We do want to let our little Aaliyah know that we are thinking of her. To the class you may be the star of the week, but for us, you are, and always will be the star of our lives.

“We love you forever, we love you for always, as long as we are living, our Aaliyah you’ll be.” 

Mommy and Dadda

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